Saturday, October 23, 2010

Who is that amazing wedding couple in all city trains?

In the first two weeks of November, all city trains between Zurich and Lucerne, will be decorated with the following posters ;)

The aftermath of our wedding: Some funny facts

- My uncle Walter was wearing his wedding suit from his own wedding 40 years ago (I hope to keep my shape the next 40 years as well ;)
- Our friends Marc & Lynn, who caught the brides bouquet and the garter band, got married one week after (that's how fast it can go, so all singles, just show some more effort next time!)
- For our priest and friend Thomas, our wedding was the only wedding ceremony he was holding in the last 10 years (which we really appreciated)
- Our friend Georges turned 45 years on our wedding day (and climbs mountains higher and faster than ever)
- Lucerne, the city of our wedding party, has been voted this year into the top 5 tourist destinations world wide (they probably voted on a beautiful day like our wedding day!)
- The photo booth contest was a smashing success: It was the first time that the photographer ran out of memory space and for the voting the photos were downloaded more than 100'000 times!
- Many people asked us were we got our not fully PC wedding tart from: It is a little store of a gay sugar baker from Argentina in Zurich who does just wedding tarts! (
- A vast part of our guests were internationals: Taiwanese (18!), American, English, German, Swedish, Indonesian, Malaysian, Serbian, New Zealander.
- We got married in the chinese year of the Tiger. Next year is the year of the rabbit, the year Tanya's Mom and Tanya are born...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The watch goes to .....

Photo No. 5

Our winner- PHOTO NO.5 

until 30th of September , this photo got the most votes from the wedding guests - 19 votes 

Congratulations !!  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Final round !!

Please click on the photo for a bigger image.
Bitte aufs Foto klicken um die Bilder zu vergroessern.

Photo No. 1

Photo No. 2

Photo No. 3

Photo No. 4

Photo No. 5

Photo No. 6

Photo No. 7

Photo No. 8

Photo No. 9
Photo NO. 10

These 10 photos got all more than 7 votes in the first round on Picasa.
Diese 10 Fotos haben alle mehr als 7 Stimmen erhalten in der ersten Runde.

In the second round voting,  EACH WEDDING GUEST HAS ONLY ONE VOTE !!
In der Finalrunde kann jeder Hochzeitsgast nur noch eine Stimme abgeben!

Please look at above 10 photos again, then email us with your favorite choice.
Bitte schaut euch die 10 Fotos nochmals an und schickt uns ein Email mit eurer Wahl.

Please reply by 30th of September.
Bitte sendet uns euer Email bis zum 30. September.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's PHOTO time!!!

Thank you for making our wedding day so special and perfect.

for more photos of our wedding in Luzern on 7th of August

It's time to vote !!!

You can start VOTING now on the best , funniest or the most creative photo taken at the photo booth by clicking "like the photo" below the photo.

the TOP 10 photos that get the most votes will go into a FINAL run of the voting.

Tell your friends to vote for you now to win the BIG PRIZE !!

Enjoy the photos.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Wedding in Luzern

Saturday August 7th, 2010 
  12:45 pm meeting point at the Seeburg boat pier in Luzern 

1:00 pm Boat trip to Weggis
2:00 pm Wedding ceremony in the protestant chapel of Weggis
3:20 pm Boat cruise, drinks and snacks on the lake Lucerne
5:00 pm Arrival back at the Seeburg boat pier
Photos & activities at the City Sunset Bar of Hotel Seeburg

7:30 pm Wedding party at Seeburgsaal, Hotel Seeburg
(with a special invitation only)

Banquet & party until early morning

Sunday August 8, 2010
10:00 am Brunch at restaurant Alexander, Hotel Seeburg
(for all guests staying at the Hotel Seeburg - there is a special rate available for all wedding guests on bookings at Hotel Seeburg)

Tanya & Chris' Wedding Wish List 

We prepared a wish list at Manor, please go to the following link

Name der Liste : tanya & chris wishes 
passwort: Luzern

You can also help us to realize our dream honeymoon by offering some money for a romantic night or a dinner under palm trees. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Wedding in Taipei

Our  Second wedding celebration

 took place in Taipei, Taiwan

on April 18th, 2010

our first outfit at the wedding - chinese RED 

Guests joined us from Switzerland and San Francisco

our second outfits  

Tanya's third dress -  and rolling an egg in Chris' pants ??!!!

Tanya's 4th dress at the after wedding party

 - KTV/Drinking Party 

KTV and ALCOHOL connecting PEOPLE :) 

for more photos of the wedding in Taipei check: